- All gymnasts and parents should carefully adhere to all safety policies.
- Since the Pandemic, parents are not currently permitted to enter the school premises except in exceptional circumstances – School Lettings Policy
- Gymnasts will bring a NAMED hand sanitizer to each class
- Gymnasts will bring a NAMED water bottle to each class
- Any child displaying ANY possible coronavirus symptoms, including cough, raised temperature (even slight), or a change in normal taste or smell will NOT attend gymnastics class and parents/ carers will notify Club leaders of the child’s symptoms ASAP.
- If your child tests positive for Coronavirus, please inform us immediately.
- All participants are legally required by British Gymnastics to hold British Gymnastics Membership/ Insurance at either Bronze or Pre-School level.
- Annual Club & BG Membership / Insurance will be paid by 21st September annually OR when a gymnast joins the club regardless of the date.
- Parents are responsible for inputting their child’s information on the British Gymnastics members page to ensure insurance is in place.
- All class fees should be paid prior to the start of each new term and by the due date given. The due date for FEES TO BE PAID for the following term will be by the last day of each term or a date specified by the club.
- Should it become necessary to send out a fee reminder after the due date has passed, a £10 administration fee will be incurred and subsequently a further £10 each reminder thereafter.
- A minimum of 4 weeks written notice prior to the end of any term is required should you choose to leave the club.
- If 4 weeks notice is not given, prior to the end of any term, the whole next terms fees will automatically become due
- Deposits are non refundable and non transferable to another gymnast or term and are only redeemable against payment for the whole term not part term
- If payment is not received prior to the start of the term, gymnasts may not be able to participate and their place may be offered to those on the waiting list.
- Non-attendance in any term for any reason is non-refundable.
- If a class is missed, it may be possible to make up the class during another time slot where space is available.
- Your child may be photographed/ filmed for training purposes or for parents viewing in light of current restrictions. The club may reasonably use some images to promote the club in social media/ local newspapers (names will not be used without prior consent)
- If you do not wish your child to be photographed/ filmed please write to us declining your permission.
- Your deposit and or your child’s attendance (even just once) at our gymnastics club is your agreement to these Terms and conditions
GYMNASTS are to arrive already dressed as follows:
GIRLS: Club Leotard with or without shorts; or Shorts/Leggings and Club T-shirt.
BOYS: Shorts and Club Unitard; or Shorts/Tracksuit bottoms and Club T-shirt.
ALL: Where possible please bring your child in named SLIDERS or FLIP FLOPS
long hair should be neatly and securely TIED back .
- Jewellery is NOT permitted to be worn.
- Gymnasts MUST be in BARE FEET in the Gym